February 3, 2011



e-mail me if you have problems or questions.  katiehobbie@gmail.com

January 21, 2011

katie and mike: engaged (tallahassee photographer)

katie is one of my oldest friends.  we met in 6th grade (which, back then, was still elementary school).  i have countless memories that include her (indulge me people: softball, sleepovers, annoying country radio dj’s, FSU games, pool parties, etc…).  she’s been through alot in her life and she totally deserves somebody who will love and care for her daily.  mike is that guy.  this session was the first time i’d ever met him, but i knew within the first 10 minutes that he is THAT GUY.

these first few images were shot in Doak Campbell stadium (where the NOLES play!).  the spot where katie and mike were sitting in the bleachers is where they sit at every home game. 

kt and mike, i am so happy for you guys!  i had so much fun shooting you and can’t wait to do it again at the wedding.  see you in march!

January 13, 2011

the mcclellans

i am overdue with this post.  posted their preview before Christmas.

i loved this session.


love the next one.  i got down on the yellow lines, and quinn figured she was supposed to do the same thing.  she is so inquisitive and i love that about her.

little beauty.

i love it when i catch an image like this next one….SO indicative of life with small children (dad is being poked in the eye while mom straightens baby’s shirt).

are they not gorgeous together?!

mcclellans, thank you so much for the opportunity.  i had alot of fun getting to know you better and i feel honored that you asked me to photograph you.

January 7, 2011

katie & mike: engaged! (preview / tallahassee engagement photographer)

December 18, 2010

the cousins family (jupiter family photographer)

we’ve known this family for several years and it’s been fun to watch their family grow (and it has grown QUICK!  baby girl #3, who is due in a few weeks, is the third in 3 years!  sister #1 and #2 are just about a year apart and they are too cute together).  christine (mommy) had the great idea to do some shots in the gorgeous master bedroom.  i’ve been around these girls several times, but they’ve never seen me with a camera and they were seriously checking me out.

then we headed outside.

this is her more seroius side.  didn’t come out very often.

after we attempted some group shots, christine had more great ideas.  she basically just let the girls do things they like doing and let me take their picture doing it.  so fun!

after they played, they got their reward: to sit at the bar and eat cookies!

December 18, 2010

christine (jupiter maternity photographer)

December 17, 2010

in the meantime…

i’m in the trenches as far as editing goes these days…working on some family posts to get up, but here are some paintings that i just listed in my Etsy shop, if anyone’s interested.

(that one is custom, obviously…unless your last name is Hobbie.)

if anyone is interested in making these a Christmas gift, i would be happy to wrap them up cute and drop-ship them (in other words, send them straight to the recipient’s home instead of to you first).  i guess i could do that all the way up to thursday (12/23) if the buyer was willing to pay the big bucks for the shipping…

December 12, 2010

The M Family: Preview

these guys live across the street…pretty much my daughters’ dreams come true to have a fun little girl living in a house they can look at while they eat breakfast.  i had a great time getting to know them a little better and they made it easy on me because they are ALL ridiculously good looking.  more in a week or two, but here are a few of my favorites for now…

(i think those two kinda like each other.)

December 5, 2010

The Cousins Family (and Christine’s belly!): Preview

Fun times at the Cousins home today.  More soon!


cute family.  and now, one beautiful pregnant woman.

November 1, 2010

the kruse family (preview)

more soon!  (ryan & jenny, i had so much fun!!)