Archive for November 10th, 2009

November 10, 2009

more paul&melissa

i don’t do weddings very often.  i was so thankful to get to do this one.  because it was so small and so simple, i felt like every little thing was special (not that big weddings aren’t, but you know what i mean).  this is the most images i’ve ever posted at once, but i had a hard time narrowing it down.

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her little brother walked her halfway down the “aisle”…he was obviously very proud.

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her dad and step-dad walked her the rest of the way.

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the excited groom.

2009_11_06_3721 BLOGthe handoff.  i posted this picture because i love the look on her face.

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2009_11_06_3749 sat BLOG

“i now pronounce you man and wife.”

blog collage

2009_11_06_3814 L hc repair BLOGeveryone who attended…2009_11_06_3947 exp sat BLOG

2009_11_06_3848 hc b&w BLOG

2009_11_06_3957 hc sat BLOG

melissa had a bucket at the top of the boardwalk filled with flip-flops for everyone.  she and paul and the girls decorated theirs. 

2009_11_06_3974 hc BLOG

2009_11_06_3988 b&w BLOG

2009_11_06_4044 L hc crop BLOG