more paul&melissa

i don’t do weddings very often.  i was so thankful to get to do this one.  because it was so small and so simple, i felt like every little thing was special (not that big weddings aren’t, but you know what i mean).  this is the most images i’ve ever posted at once, but i had a hard time narrowing it down.

2009_11_06_3766 BLOG

2009_11_06_3703 BLOG

her little brother walked her halfway down the “aisle”…he was obviously very proud.

2009_11_06_3711 BLOG

her dad and step-dad walked her the rest of the way.

2009_11_06_3718 BLOG

the excited groom.

2009_11_06_3721 BLOGthe handoff.  i posted this picture because i love the look on her face.

2009_11_06_3722 BLOG

2009_11_06_3749 sat BLOG

“i now pronounce you man and wife.”

blog collage

2009_11_06_3814 L hc repair BLOGeveryone who attended…2009_11_06_3947 exp sat BLOG

2009_11_06_3848 hc b&w BLOG

2009_11_06_3957 hc sat BLOG

melissa had a bucket at the top of the boardwalk filled with flip-flops for everyone.  she and paul and the girls decorated theirs. 

2009_11_06_3974 hc BLOG

2009_11_06_3988 b&w BLOG

2009_11_06_4044 L hc crop BLOG

13 Comments to “more paul&melissa”

  1. I love the flip flop shot…that would be huge in my house if it were my wedding! You did an awesome job.

  2. Great pics! 🙂

  3. Love Love Love Them!!! That last shot is GREAT 🙂

  4. You definitely have been given a gift. Great pics with a lot of character in each one. Looks like a fun wedding, too.

  5. All I can say is AWE-some! 🙂

  6. Katie you are an amazing photographer! I couldn’t be more excited! I can’t wait to see the rest!

    XOXO – the bride!

  7. awesome pictures 🙂 not surprised

  8. My fav is the b&w. Love! Great job, Katie!

  9. great pictures!!

  10. Great job Katie!!!

  11. oh my gosh katie! these are great! i love the one where her brother’s eyes are looking up at her. and the flip flop pic on the boardwalk. great!!!

  12. Katie, these are AWESOME! Looks like it was such a sweet and wonderful day with those closest to them. And, I laughed when I saw Tim Popadic interspersed in there. 🙂

  13. I think you were enjoying this photo job….it shows!!

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